New blogger feature: Create mobile template on a click

blogger mobile
Blogger is coming out with tons of new features making blogging plus blogger more efficient for its users. Its just a week ago blogger added Feed control feature and now blogger has added another amazing feature that is meant for every blogger specially who focus on mobile web.
Blogger has added Mobile Template feature which will automatically create a mobile version of your blog automatically on a single click. You can see my blog’s mobile version below.

This feature is currently available in draft.blogger only. Soon it will be available on basic blogger accounts.To create your own mobile version login to draft.blogger just go to Dashboard>>Settings>>Email & Mobile and click the option shown in the image below. Also click the Mobile Preview button to see the mobile version of your blog.
Picture 20
Save the changes and its done. Currently there are now styling options for third party blogger template but styling options are available for template designed through template designer. For more details visit Bloggerindraft.

also click here to check my blog in  mobile version

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