Most silly bug in Window calculator ? 2-2 !=0 ?

 If you subtract 2 from the square root of 4 then the result is not 0 but -1.068281969439142e-19. Interesting is previously in windows XP the result was -8.1648465955514287168521180122928e-39. So that’s an update in Seven right ?

Step 1 : Open Windows Calculator.
Step 2 : Press the number 4 and apply Square root which gives result 2.
Step 3 : Now subtract 2 from the answer ie, 2-2 and press equals [=]
Shocking bug right ?
I learned that 2 – 2 = 0 but windows calculator has some different suggestion
What does this mean ?? Buggy Calculator all the way…
Obviously this is a simple bug in the coding. This bug is not present on any other calculator like online calculator etc. So it a bug in Microsoft windows calculator which they have overlooked for may years.
Thanks to snaphow

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