Some Intersting Facts About Facebook

Hey Guyz__?? you know facebook is the most popular thing it may be political matter or technical matter or any other aspect of wotld arround us,facebook play its important role some the recent examples are Egypt aspects and Ana Hazzare revolutionary movement . facebook has just boosted up these too movements recently, like this only many of the aspects has been opened by facebook.

Today i am gonna tell you about the important facts about the facebook which we might not be aware of,seemz to be very interting lets have a look:-

1. Facebook was initially bank-rolled by Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal. His $500,000 investment helped launch of Facebook phenomenon.

2. In the beginning, Facebook was almost shut down by a lawsuit. ConnectU, a competitor, claimed Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook, as well as the technology to create it. The issue was settled out of court of an undisclosed amount.

3. Today, 400 million people log onto their Facebook profile atleast once every month. 50% are on the website every day.

4. Facebook is an international sensation. 70% of Facebook users live outside the US and the Facebook is present in more than 70 languages.

5. Half of Denmark has an active Facebook profile (2,421,380 people out of 5,484,723 total).

6. There are more than 200 million mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products.

7. Facebook has over 1 million developers and entrepreneurs from mroe than 180 countries.

8. Most popular Facebook pages are:
#1. Michael Jackson
#2. The Simpsons
#3. Facebook Official page
#4. Barack Obama
#5. Starbucks Coffee

9. Monthly amount of time spent on Facebook: 8.3 billion hours.

10. Average number of Facebook friends: 130

11. Total number of active applications: 550,000+ (this figure increases daily).

12. Number of servers running Facebook’s infrastructure: 10,000 (approximately).

13. Amount raised to fund these present as well as future servers: $100 billion.

4. Women aged 55 and up are the fastest growing Facebook demographic in USA.

15. Biggest Myth: Facebook accesses user profile information and stores it, even after the account is deactivated.

Actually this is partly true. Facebook user content, like images, can be stored on other people’s profile, too. After the account is disabled, these images can be seen on their pages.

16. Facebook has become so popular, psychologists identified a new mental health disorder: Facebook Addiction Disorder.

17. In Australia, Facebook has infiltrated the court system:-
1. Court notices can be served through Facebook.
2. A Facebook summon is considered legally binding.

18. Facebook makes money through advertising and viral products. Advertisers use profile information to market specifically to certain users.

19. Top websites by Traffic are

#1. Google
#2 facebook tube

20. In 2006, Yahoo offered Zuckerberg $1 billion, which he refused.

In 2009, Facebook was valued at $4 billion.

Today its value is around $8 – $11 billion.


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