Upcoming changes to PayPal User Agreement for India

Two days ago on jan 28th i received  email from paypal team which  shows amendments in agreement for Indian users.Its been a while before when PayPal suspended there operations in India temporarily. And know again PayPal has brought a bad news to the Indian users. PayPal now trying to become a Law following organization is trying to follow the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India.
PayPal on RBI guidelines has added certain restrictions regarding fund management in PayPal which are:-
  1. Any balance in and all future payments into your PayPal account may not be used to buy goods or services and must be transferred to your bank account in India within 7 days from the receipt of confirmation from the buyer in respect of the goods or services; and
  2. Export-related payments for goods and services into your PayPal account may not exceed US$500 per transaction.
PayPal has taken all these steps to comply with the RBI guidelines so we can’t really blame them but this is real bad news for their customers in India.
for more info visit here

Your Facebook Friends as CAPTCHAs

Web applications often use CAPTCHAs to ensure that real human beings and not bots are using the system. These CAPTCHAs are mostly a combination of words that are distorted enough so that only human eyes can read and solve them.
Facebook is however taking a more social approach to CATCHA solving.

Traditional CAPTCHAs are often hard to solve and therefore Facebook is experimenting with social authentication where you don’t have to recognize letters but images - they’ll show you a few pictures of your friends and ask you to name the person in those photos.


The History Of Social Networking

Social media, the media for social interaction, which has been ruling the entire Internet has a long history and a quite interesting one too. What started from Email, now ended in Facebook empire. Now this infographic gives us a detailed analysis of “The History Of Social Networking”. This Infographic is also shared by OnlineSchools.org. This one gives us some of the amazing facts about Social Networking along with the years.
Earlier we shared one of their Infographics — craze of facebook. Do tell us which system inspired you and which will last long enough in the comments below.

Via: Online Schools

Gmail Dot Trick

Gmail as we know is the best, innovative, reliable and flexible email provider and today i will talk about one of its flexibility.When you login to gmail you might never have noticed one thing that i am going to tell you.It’s a trick that very few people know and i call it Gmail DOT Trick.

Look at this…
Suppose There is a Gmail account : Example@gmail.com
having password : abcd

You can log into that same account which is example@gmail.com by using
email as : E.xample@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Ex.ample@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Exa.mple@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Exam.ple@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Examp.le@gmail.com
password : abcd
and so on……
That means gmail does not count periods (.).Amazing na,,,yeah really it is.Do try this out

So you can use this trick for using the same email for various GPT, PTC, Twitter accounts as they interpret all the above emails as different but gmail considers it the same.

ALSO SEE:Google multiple sign in

Yahoo opens third-party authentication

Yahoo open to third-party certification to support Facebook Google account login

 Yahoo today announced that it will open from January 20 third-party authentication service, then users will be able to use the Facebook account to log Yahoo, and Google’s various sites.

Previously, the user to sign up for a Yahoo account, you need to provide e-mail address and personal information, password security, and fill out the verification code. Third-party certification services will enable new users required to register, just “one click”, you can use Yahoo’s various services. This will help retain those from Yahoo or Gmail Facebook Yahoo Web links to jump on from the user. 
check out on yahoo offlical site here

how to connect Yahoo, Gmail and Facebook accounts

Go to Yahoo mail & click on the respective Gmail button.

Once done, Google will prompt you if you want to grant access to Yahoo, click Allow to do that.

Once done, you will be prompted to enter username password and other fields, click on top link to sign in if you already have a Yahoo Id. Enter your Yahoo Id  click sign in..

 Now you have all the goodies of your social world at one place
ALSO SEE:login into yahoo messenger with multi account at the same time

7 Funny Microsoft Windows Dialog Boxes

check out list of some funny images of windows error

1. Now that’s an error message!

2. Would you accept the terms?

3. I doubt it did…

4. A self-conscious error message

5. Sorry, I can’t find the “any” key

6. A test of patience…

7. Who would report it then?



Download all photos inside facebook album with firefox

FacePAD allows you to download entire Facebook albums with a click of a button. It is a Firefox add-on that allows you to download your friends’ entire Facebook albums with a click of a button.
FacePAD makes it easy to grab all the pictures from any album you have access to. Whether you want to download your own pictures, pictures from the album of a friend, or from an event album etc, FacePAD makes it do-able from your right click context menu in facebook.

step 1.Install facepad addon
step 2. Go to any Facebook Album, right-click on the album name/link and click the "Download Album with FacePAD" option.

Step 3 : A window will pop-up asking you to choose a directory/folder where you would like the photos to be stored.
Step 4 : The photos will then be downloaded and renamed in sequential, ascending order as in the album.
Similarly to download photos from the group/event/page album, click on the photo tab. Right-click on any album link and click the "Download Album with FacePAD" option.

 Here is a video tutorial by the creator of this plugin.

Note : There might be a hang time of a few seconds for large albums as it searches through the facebook album and then it begins downloading.
Also see:Facebook layout hack

Social widget for posts with all social buttons with count

In this post I going to tell you how to install a simple social widget inside the posts having generally used social buttons with counters.
You can see the screenshot of the the widget above. Follow the below steps to install it.
Step 1. Go to your template code dashboard>>design>>edit HTML. Now click the box named Expand widget template. Search for  ]]></b:skin> and paste this code above it.
.social-bar { border: dashed #ddd; border-width:1px 0 1px 0; margin: 10px auto 10px; display:block; padding: 3px 0 1px 0px; overflow: hidden; }
.social-bar .social_button {float: left; display: inline; overflow: hidden; height:22px; }
.social-bar .social_button.dg { margin: 0px 0 0 20px ; padding-top: 2px;}
.social-bar .social_button.tm { margin: 0px 0 0 20px; padding-top: 4px;}
.social-bar .social_button.fb { margin: 0 0 0 20px; padding-top:3px;}
.social-bar .social_button.su { margin: 0px 0 0 20px; padding-top: 2px;}
.social-bar .social_button.buzz { margin-left:20px ; padding-top: 3px;}
Step 2. Now find this code <div class='post-header'> and paste this code below it.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div class='social-bar'>
<div class='social_button dg'> 
<a class='DiggThisButton DiggCompact'/><script src='http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'/> 
<div class='social_button tm'> 
<div style='float:right;width:90px;height:25px'> 
<a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='horizontal' data-via='technowit' href='http://twitter.com/share'>Tweet</a><script src='http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js' type='text/javascript'/></div> 
<div class='social_button fb'> 
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=verdana&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:80px; height:27px;'/> 
<div class='social_button su'> 
<script src='http://www.stumbleupon.com/hostedbadge.php?s=1'/> 
<div class='social_button buzz'> 
<a class='google-buzz-button' data-button-style='small-count' href='http://www.google.com/buzz/post' title='Post to Google Buzz'/> 
<script src='http://www.google.com/buzz/api/button.js' type='text/javascript'/> 
Save the template and its done.
The above hack is for the widget to appear in the head. But if you want it to appear in the footer then search for <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> or <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> or <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3> and paste the code in step 2 below any of those three.

speed up your firefox

IT is working and useful trick really help you and increase the speed of your Mozilla Firefox

Who Uses fire-fox ...it will be really use-full for them...

Here’s something for that will really speed Firefox up:

1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:




Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

2. Alter the entries as follows:

Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true

Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true

Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.

3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.

If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages MUCH faster now!
Enjoy the Web !

i hope u enjoy this tut and really helpful for your web surfing
happy web surfing folks and also share it with your friends.

also if you feel any problem free to ask and also comment below waiting for your feedback.

craze of facebook

Last time we share a picture showing richness of mark zukerberg.It is quite clear that people are so much mad for Facebook.If you are not believing me check out this picture below.Facebook, the most popular social networking website, is obviously becoming popular day by day. Neither Mark Zuckerberg nor Facebook Users will quit it. So there is no end to it. Recently we also came to know, Facebook brought Fb.com for 8.4 Million US Dollars.
As of 2011, there are totally 50,000,000 Active Facebook Users. 48% of them are about 18-34 years old. ‘Facebook’ is the most searched term in the year 2010 for the second year running. For more facts, check below.

Know your email has been read

Have you ever wondered, why you are not getting any reply to your mails? Maybe the friend to whom you sent the mail did not even bother to open it or maybe it never reached the recipient. How will you know?

How to find out if your email has been read? If you have ever been anxious to know if an important mail sent by you has been read by the recipient or not, then here is the perfect tool for you.
SpyPig will send you an email as soon as the recipient opens and reads your message.

There are many ways you can benefit from SpyPig.Check out whether your job application reached it’s target, or if the classified you responded to on Craiglist was read by its owner

This online tool works with almost all modern email programs: Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and many others.

How do I use it?

The system is very easy to use. In just few minutes, you’ll be able to use it like a real spy! To start using SpyPig, follow the simple steps in the SpyPig Farm on the right.

  • Enter your email (not recipients)
  • Give the title to it ( So you can Know this is a Notification )
  • pick a custom tracking image to track
  • Click on the Activate Button (Generates a tracking Image for You)

How does it work?

When you generate the picture it gives a code, you have to put the code in your email (which is to be sent). After pasting the code in the email just send it along with your matter. When the recipient receive the email and opens it to read, the image loads from SpyPig server, since each image has a unique tracking ID, SpyPig sends you a message to notify you that your message has been read.


Both you and the recipient must use an HTML-formatted email, not a plain-text or rich-text formatted email. SpyPig works by using a tracking image (SpyPig image) whose reference to its location on our server is embedded in your HTML email message. When the recipient opens your email, the tracking image will be automatically downloaded from our server, triggering the “email opened” alert on our system.

SpyPig is dedicated to all those anxious individuals out there who can’t stand wondering all day and night if their important email has been read or not.

Best of all, SpyPig is FREE! No spam, no virus, no adware. You can use it as often as you like, and there’s no catch.

Reveal Passwords Hidden Under Asterisks

IT doesn't  require any software to reveal hidden passwords under asterisks and don’t need to waste your time in cracking master password easily view the contents of password fields by simply entering a line of javascript below at the address bar and hit enter

javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = ""; F = document.forms; for(j=0; jor (i=0; i alert("Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n" + s); else alert("There are no passwords in forms on this page.");})();

Gmail Bomber

Hey guys check out Gmail bomber to send large no of email to your friend.Its is a simple software to send a large no of email to your friend easily.
check out the screen shot here
just enter your email id and victim id 
and start the software
Note-:Install .NET framework in your computer. Using Microsoft website
Note-: don't use again and again may cause ban of your gmail account. prefer to use your fake account
try at your own risk

Also see:magic computer tricks

What Mark Zuckerberg Could Buy with His $6.9 Billion

A few weeks ago 26 year-old Mark Zuckerberg—the founder of Facebook, for those of you who’ve been living in a cave—was recently ranked on the Forbes 400 at #35 with 6.9 billion dollars. This is an exceptionally large amount of money. So large, in fact, it can be hard to comprehend, much like the known universe or Christina Hendrick’s bosom. Thus we thought it’d be informative to try and put Zuckerberg’s billions into a little real-world perspective. Hence, we present:

Put Multiple Links Into One Small Link

You might have found several awesome links on the web that you want to share on services such as Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or microblogging platforms such as Twitter and Pownce.
Using LinkBunch you can take all those links and put them into one “bunch”, which is just one single link. LinkBunch lets you put multiple links into one small link which you can share over IM, Twitter, email or even a mobile phone SMS. Simply put in a list of links in the box below and click ‘Bunch’ to get your small LinkBunch link! You can share all the common links through one single link using this awesome tool. Personally I found this URL shortener tool really useful, now I can keep multiple links on my blog posts.

let see my link bunch
It contains the following links:

Republic day of India

As we all know that 26th January we all are celebrated our republic day.
so i want before 26th every Indian must know about our republic day so share this article as much as u can . 
"love to be Indian proud to be Indian"




Janaganamana Adhinayaka, Jaya he, Bharatabhagyavidhata!

Republic Day, celebrated on January 26th every year, is one of India’s most important national events. It was on January 26th, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state.
On this day -India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and fundamental principle of governance. The patriotic fervor of the Indian people on this day brings the whole country together even in her embedded diversity.
Republic Day is a people’s day in a variety of ways:
It’s when regional identity takes a backseat and what matter most  is the universal appeal of unity and brotherhood projected by all Indians.
The Indian constitution basically stands for the aspirations which ‘the common man of India’ cherishes.
Republic Day is a day of the citizen of the country when he is entitled to be ‘all supreme.
Republic Day is celebrated most majestically in the capital, New Delhi, where symbols of the great nation's military might and cultural wealth are displayed in what is the world's most impressive parade. All government buildings are illuminated lending the city the atmosphere of a fairyland. This day is celebrated with much zeal and pride all across the nation.

A Tribute to India's  Republic Day

Origin of Republic Day-:
India gained independence on August 15, 1947. But till January 26, 1950, it did not have the proper law of the land for ruling the country. On this particular date in1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became true nation state with true sovereign and republic sense.

Our constitution was formed by the Indian Constituent Assembly. The Indian Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946. The Assembly appointed a number of committees to report on the various aspects of the proposed constitution.

The Constituent Assembly had appointed Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman to draft the Constitution. The committee finalized the draft with 395 Articles and eight Schedules and was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. The Indian Republic officially came into being on January 26, 1950.

January 26 was not some random date picked out of the calendar. It was on this date in 1927, that the Indian National Congress, then fighting its non-violent war for freedom, voted for complete independence as against 'dominion status'. It was the date when members of the INC took the pledge to work towards a 'sovereign democratic republic' of India.

The Indian Constitution, the longest in the world, now consist of 397 articles and 12 schedules which provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. It gives the right to vote to all the citizens of 18 years and above, unless they are disqualified. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to the citizens, equality of religion and so on. The Supreme Court, consisting of the Chief Justice of India and other judges, are the guardian of the Constitution. It stands at the apex of a single integrated judicial system for the whole country. This is where the fundamental rights of the citizens are protected.
Why India is a Great Country ?

Preamble to the Constitution of India-:

Just as every book we read, comes with a preface which gives us a brief outline and the central theme of that book, so is the case with the preamble of Indian Constitution.
The Preamble being the preface of the constitution lays down the basic makeup of the Constitution.

The Indian Preamble highlights the type of society and government it wishes India and Indians to have.  For this, it has tried to incorporate the objectives of the Constitution in a nutshell. The Preamble of the constitution has used the noblest words which symbolize the highest principles and values of human creativity and experience.
World over, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution is regarded highly for its originality in wholeness of approach in dealing with so many subjects.
The Indian preamble wishes India to be a country where there should be no high class and low class of citizens; an India in which all communities will co-exist in perfect harmony.
Interestingly, the Indian Constitution is the longest of all the constitutions by any other nation.

 Republic Day Celebrations-:

Are you among the delhiites or fortunate enough to be in New Delhi on the 26th of January? If your answer is in the affirmative, then do make sure to witness the vivid celebrations of the Republic Day procession. This is one of the most colorful and prestigious national festival and the presence of dignitaries like the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers and foreign delegates also add to the dignity of the celebration.

Celebration of Republic Day is different than Independence Day. The difference in significance marks the variation in the pattern of celebration of these two national days. It is a people’s day. On Independence Day, the past is recalled whereas, on Republic Day, the pledge is renewed. Independence Day has rhetoric built in the celebration; Republic Day is without speeches.

Republic Day is celebrated all over the country at all the administrative units like the capital cities, district headquarters, sub divisions, talukas, and panchayats. The major ceremonies are held at Delhi and the state capitals.

The celebration mood lasts for one week. It consists of the ground preparations, rehearsals, the main display which spills over to the ‘Beating of Retreat’ on January 29. The day has acquired the status of a social celebration in which people participate whole-heartedly. The celebration mosaic is studded with activities.

Though the Republic Day Parade is the main ceremony, various activities are held from early morning when prabhat pheris (morning rounds) followed by a homage to Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of Nation. The parade is succeeded by sports events in the afternoon. ‘At Home’ functions at the Raj Bhavan, at the District Magistrate’s and at the SDM’s are followed by illumination of public buildings at the provincial capitals and administrative headquarters.

The celebrations are universal, total and participatory in which children also take part in a big way. Variations in culture are displayed through colourful attires and folk dances. The parades held on the day traditionally predominates a touch of modernity reflected in the display of might, technology and capabilities of growth in various sectors. The parades symbolizes the might; the tableaux reflects the cultural motifs.

Indian Republic Day Celebrations 

Parade at New Delhi-:
The main celebrations are held in the form of a colourful parade near India Gate in Delhi. The parade showcasing India's military might and cultural diversity covers a 8 km route, starting from the Rashtrapati Bhavan through the picturesque Rajpath down to India Gate before winding up at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi.

The events of the day begin with the Prime Minister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti - India Gate. He then drives up to the central enclosure and awaits the arrival of the President and a Chief Guest of the occasion who is normally a Head of other Country.

On his arrival the Hon’ble President meets the dignitaries present and unfurls the National Flag. Following this the National Anthem is played with a 21-gun salute to the National Flag. After this a brief investiture ceremony takes place during which the President presents India's top gallantry awards, the Param Veer Chakra, the Veer Chakra and the Maha Veer Chakra to the outstanding soldiers from the defense services.

After this, four helicopters from the armed forces fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. Each chopper carries a flag - the first being the Indian flag and the other three the flags of the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force.

The march past begins immediately after the fly past. The President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the salute of the mechanised, mounted and marching contingents of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Paramilitary forces, Police and the National Cadet Corps.

After the march past comes the cultural extravaganza consisting of floats presented by the various states and performances by school children. After the floats, the bravery awards winning children from all over the country enter on elephants.

A spectacular fly-past by Air Force and Naval aircraft rounds off this not-to-be missed experience. The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from the different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those states and the music and songs of that particular state accompany each display. Each display brings out the diversity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion.

No other country in the world can parade so many ethnically different people in splendid uniforms as India's Armed Forces. But they are all united in their proven loyalty to the Government elected by the people and in their proud traditions and legendary gallantry.

Parade at New Delhi

Beating Retreat-:

After three days of Republic Day parade, a moving ceremony known as "Beating Retreat" is held at the Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. This ceremony revives an ancient war custom according to which troops used to stop fighting at sunset. Bugles announcing the sunset would sound in the battlefield. As soon as soldiers heard these bugles they would stand still in the battlefield and war would be stopped for the day.

This ceremony held on the 29th of January every year, marks the formal end of the Republic Day celebrations. The ceremony opens with a parade by

select contingents of the armed forces set to scintillating performances by the various armed forces bands. The parade climaxes with all the bands playing in unison. As the bands fall silent, a lone trumpeter picks up the moving tune 'Siki a mole'. After this performance the hymn 'Abide with me' is played by the Massed Bands. This hymn, said to be Mahatma Gandhi's favourite, is a permanent feature of the ceremony.

At exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered to the National Anthem bringing the Republic Day celebrations to a formal end. One by one, the camels and the riders who stand stone-like throughout against the backdrop of the sky, move away from the background.

Just after this comes the most visually appealing part of the show. With the click of a button, a thousand bulbs light up the Rastrapati Bhavan and adjoining buildings. Surely a fitting end to the annual celebrations of the Indian republic !

Beating Retreat

National Anthem-:
Jana Gana Mana - National Anthem
Photo Gallery-:

Janaganamana Adhinayaka, Jaya he, Bharatabhagyavidhata!

so guys share this article as much as u can so that it must reach to maximum no of people before 26th