Blogging Platform To Start Blogging

Now a days Blogging is becoming a trend and Turning out to be new field to earn and learn.But Most of newbies Donot know how to start.So if you are on Technowit then we will provide you right direction to achive your goal in this field.

So according to our recommendation use self hosted platform or Blogger/BLOGSPOT.

also check out the trend used by the various pro bloggers and other non pro bloggers with the help of infographic.

So Blogging Platform To Start Blogging

So now Check out all these in detail

org 1024x631 Blogging Platform To Start Blogging

WordPress is the most used blogging platform used by the professionals. It’s a bit complicated then the Blogger platform but it’s totally versatile. You need a hosting plan with one domain to start up a WordPress blog. WordPress blogs have got a large number plugins to make your WordPress blog even better. If you are searching for a free, less versatile version of then you should go for Blogger or


2 blogger Blogging Platform To Start Blogging

Google owns Blogger and has it integrated with Google Accounts. The platform has been around since blogging’s beginnings, and is still an excellent choice.Blogger is the most used, free, and easy platform. Blogger is one of the products of Google. Blogger is totally free to use, you get a subdomain ( when you create a blog on this platform but you can even change it to the one you desire using the custom domains settings. Blogger has even introduced new features which allow you to add meta description, meta tags, edit robots.txt etc which makes it one of the biggest competitor of the WordPress.


1 wordpress Blogging Platform To Start Blogging

WordPress is a free, open-source blogging platform that has grown into a full-fledged content management system. It enjoys enormous community support.


Tumblr is one of the fastest growing blogging platforms in 2011. It has a love-hate relationship — it would seem — with the fashion industry, but is an excellent choice for any ecommerce merchant.Tumblr is one of the newly released blogging platforms in the market. Tumblr was launched in April 2007 and since then it has prospered a lot. Today it’s WorldWide Alexa is 38 with Google Page Rank of 8. Tumblr is a “microblogging” platform and is completely free to join.

3 tumblr Blogging Platform To Start Blogging


TypePad is a very functional blogging platform that is relatively easy to set up and post to. It is a very solid choice for beginning bloggers.

7 typepad Blogging Platform To Start Blogging


Drupal is a proper content management system that has many excellent features for blogging. It works especially well for organizations where many of the blog authors are not technically skilled.


once used to be the most popular platform, the position today held by Blogger but later when better platforms like Blogger and WordPress came in the market LiveJournal went down, slowly. LiveJournal has still maintained its quality. LiveJournal has got easy navigation. Likewise other platforms LiveJournal too offers you to start up a free blog.


Joomla is one of the world’ s most popular open source CMS (content management system). With millions of websites running on Joomla, the software is used by individuals, small & medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide to easily create & build a variety of websites & web-enabled applications.

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All the World Newspapers on a Single Page

When news breaks in some part of the world, you are often curious to know what the local newspapers of that country have to say on that event. The question is how do you find all the good news outlets of that region?

Enter Newspaper Map, a comprehensive catalogue of all the prominent newspapers of the world arranged on a Google Map. You can zoom-in to any region of the map, or use the search feature, to see the names all of the major newspapers that are published from a particular region.

The various pins on the newspaper map point you to the actual website of the corresponding newspaper, their color indicates the newspaper language and everything is neatly integrated with Google Translate thus helping you read any foreign newspaper in your own native language.

If you find the number of pins as overwhelming, there’s a setting to show just the ‘major’ newspapers and hide the local dailies. The search box has auto-complete s

There are alternative sites like Kiosko and Newseum that display the current front page of newspapers from around the world but Newspaper Map is a bit different – their collection is much bigger, you can find newspapers by region and it works on your mobile too.

Turn your Facebook Profile into a Virtual Museum

Intel’s Museum of Me is a brilliant online app that turns your Facebook profile into a virtual museum with the click of a button.
Simply authorize the Museum of Me app to access your Facebook profile and it will pull your photographs, pictures of friends you frequently interact with, your location and other data that you may have shared on Facebook and turns everything into an impressive animated movie.
This is much like taking a walking tour of a virtual museum where all the rooms and galleries display exhibits that are you own.

If you have a Facebook profile, this is something you should not miss.

Some Intersting Facts About Facebook

Hey Guyz__?? you know facebook is the most popular thing it may be political matter or technical matter or any other aspect of wotld arround us,facebook play its important role some the recent examples are Egypt aspects and Ana Hazzare revolutionary movement . facebook has just boosted up these too movements recently, like this only many of the aspects has been opened by facebook.

Today i am gonna tell you about the important facts about the facebook which we might not be aware of,seemz to be very interting lets have a look:-

1. Facebook was initially bank-rolled by Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal. His $500,000 investment helped launch of Facebook phenomenon.

2. In the beginning, Facebook was almost shut down by a lawsuit. ConnectU, a competitor, claimed Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook, as well as the technology to create it. The issue was settled out of court of an undisclosed amount.

3. Today, 400 million people log onto their Facebook profile atleast once every month. 50% are on the website every day.

4. Facebook is an international sensation. 70% of Facebook users live outside the US and the Facebook is present in more than 70 languages.

5. Half of Denmark has an active Facebook profile (2,421,380 people out of 5,484,723 total).

6. There are more than 200 million mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products.

7. Facebook has over 1 million developers and entrepreneurs from mroe than 180 countries.

8. Most popular Facebook pages are:
#1. Michael Jackson
#2. The Simpsons
#3. Facebook Official page
#4. Barack Obama
#5. Starbucks Coffee

9. Monthly amount of time spent on Facebook: 8.3 billion hours.

10. Average number of Facebook friends: 130

11. Total number of active applications: 550,000+ (this figure increases daily).

12. Number of servers running Facebook̢۪s infrastructure: 10,000 (approximately).

13. Amount raised to fund these present as well as future servers: $100 billion.

4. Women aged 55 and up are the fastest growing Facebook demographic in USA.

15. Biggest Myth: Facebook accesses user profile information and stores it, even after the account is deactivated.

Actually this is partly true. Facebook user content, like images, can be stored on other people̢۪s profile, too. After the account is disabled, these images can be seen on their pages.

16. Facebook has become so popular, psychologists identified a new mental health disorder: Facebook Addiction Disorder.

17. In Australia, Facebook has infiltrated the court system:-
1. Court notices can be served through Facebook.
2. A Facebook summon is considered legally binding.

18. Facebook makes money through advertising and viral products. Advertisers use profile information to market specifically to certain users.

19. Top websites by Traffic are

#1. Google
#2 facebook tube

20. In 2006, Yahoo offered Zuckerberg $1 billion, which he refused.

In 2009, Facebook was valued at $4 billion.

Today its value is around $8 – $11 billion.


Facebook Pages & Blogs ( &

Online Ph.D. Prgrams (

Facebakers (

Forbes (

Wikipedia (

Alexa (

How to protect your account from Phishing attacks

Phishing is a form of social engineering technique used by hackers to gather sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by posing as a trustworty person/organization. Since most online users are unaware of the techniques used in carrying out a phishing attack, they often fall victims and hence, phishing can be very effective.
With the dramatic increase in the number of phishing scams in the recent years, there has also been a steady rise in the number of people being victimized. Lack of awareness among the people is the prime reason behind such attacks. This article will try to create awareness and educate the users about such online scams and frauds.
Phishing scams usually sends an email message to users requesting for their personal information, or redirects them to a website where they are required to enter thier personal information. Here are some of the tips that can be used to identify various phishing techniques and stay away from it.

Identifying a Phishing Scam

1. Beware of emails that demand for an urgent response from your side. Some of the examples are:
  • You may receive an email which appears to have come from your bank or financial organization stating that “your bank account is limited due to an unauthorized activity. Please verify your account asap so as to avoid permanant suspension”. In most cases, you are requested to follow a link (URL) that takes you to spoofed webpage (similar to your bank website) and enter your login details over there.
  • In some cases, phishing emails may ask you to make a phone call. There may be a person or an audio response waiting on the other side of the phone to take away your credit cards details, account number, social security number or other valuable data.
2. Phishing emails are generally not personalized. Since they target a lagre number of online users, they usually use generalized texts like “Dear valued customer”, “Dear Paypal user” etc. to address you. However, some phishing emails can be an exception to this rule.
3. When you click on the links contained in a phishing email, you will most likely be taken to a spoofed webpage with official logos and information that looks exactly same as that of the original webpages of your bank or financial organization. Pay attention to the URL of a website before you enter any of your personal information over there. Even though malicious websites look identical to the legitimate site, it often uses a different domain or variation in the spelling. For example, instead of, a phishing website may use different addresses such as:

Tips to Avoid Being a Victim of Phishing

1. Do not respond to suspicious emails that ask you to give your personal information. If you are unsure whether an email request is legitimate, verify the same by calling the respective bank/company. Always use the telephone numbers printed on your bank records or statements and not those mentioned in the suspicious email.
2. Don’t use the links in an email, instant messenger or chat conversation to enter a website. Instead, always type the URL of the website on your browser’s address bar to get into a website.
3. Legitimate websites always use a secure connection (https://) on those pages which are intended to gather sensitive data such as usernames and passwords, account numbers or credic card details. You will see a lock icon Picture of the Lock icon in your browser’s address bar which indicates a secure connection. On some websites like which uses an extended validation certificate, the address bar turns GREEN as shown below.
HTTPS Address Bar

In most cases, unlike a legitimate website, a phishing website or a spoofed webpage will not use a secure connection and does not show up the lock icon. So, absence of such security features can be a clear indication of phishing attack. Always double-check the security features of the webpage before entering any of your personal information.
4. Always use a good antivirus software, firewall and email filters to filter the unwanted traffic. Also ensure that your browser is up-to-date with the necessary patches being applied.
5. Report a “phishing attack” or “spoofed emails” to the following groups so as to stop such attacks from spreading all over the Internet:
You can directly send an email to reporting an attack. You can also notify the Internet Crime Complaint Center of the FBI by filing a complaint on their website:

How to run Firefox inside Firefox?

You know guys, firefox is my favourite browser. and today again a have a new funny trick of firefox...

Run Firefox inside Firefox

it sounds good na, that how we can do it...

And its really easy too just type in this url in Firefox's address bar and there you go!
Firefox inside Firefox!

copy paste following url in a web browser (mozilla firefox).


Following is the screenshot of this trick (firefox in firefox in firefox, which is again in another firefox)-

Follow By Email Gadget for Blogger

Many blog readers prefer to receive updates of new posts by email (rather than subscribing in an RSS feed reader). To make it even easier for our readers to stay in touch with our sites, the Blogger Team have developed a new, official gadget: Follow by Email.Recently Blogger has added a new Gadget/Widget to its ever improving list of blogger gadgets. They call it Follow By Email

To add this Gadget, Follow these simple steps

1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard, Navigate to Design Page Elements tab and click on the “Add a Gadget” Link
2.On the next window click on the plus sign, and you will be taken to the gadget options page.
3. Click the save Button and you are done.

You are done now!! :) Wasn’t that simple?