All the World Newspapers on a Single Page

When news breaks in some part of the world, you are often curious to know what the local newspapers of that country have to say on that event. The question is how do you find all the good news outlets of that region?

Enter Newspaper Map, a comprehensive catalogue of all the prominent newspapers of the world arranged on a Google Map. You can zoom-in to any region of the map, or use the search feature, to see the names all of the major newspapers that are published from a particular region.

The various pins on the newspaper map point you to the actual website of the corresponding newspaper, their color indicates the newspaper language and everything is neatly integrated with Google Translate thus helping you read any foreign newspaper in your own native language.

If you find the number of pins as overwhelming, there’s a setting to show just the ‘major’ newspapers and hide the local dailies. The search box has auto-complete s

There are alternative sites like Kiosko and Newseum that display the current front page of newspapers from around the world but Newspaper Map is a bit different – their collection is much bigger, you can find newspapers by region and it works on your mobile too.

Turn your Facebook Profile into a Virtual Museum

Intel’s Museum of Me is a brilliant online app that turns your Facebook profile into a virtual museum with the click of a button.
Simply authorize the Museum of Me app to access your Facebook profile and it will pull your photographs, pictures of friends you frequently interact with, your location and other data that you may have shared on Facebook and turns everything into an impressive animated movie.
This is much like taking a walking tour of a virtual museum where all the rooms and galleries display exhibits that are you own.

If you have a Facebook profile, this is something you should not miss.