The Blogger Template Designer

Blogger over the years, but one thing that’s been constant for some time has been collection of templates. While a number of talented designers around the web have offered their own fresh and interesting designs that you can apply to your Blogger blog, stock set has grown a bit stale, and you’ve noticed. You let us know
Today you are taking a big first step in improving not just our template designs, but all the ways that you can customize the look and layout of your blog. Blogger even made a video with jaunty music to show it off:

Here’s what we’re launching today to Blogger in Draft:

  • 15 new, highly-customizable templates from our design team, split into four families: Simple, Picture Window, Awesome Inc, and Watermark
  • One-, two-, and three-column layouts for each template, with complete control over the size and arrangement of the columns
  • Hundreds of background images and patterns from iStockphoto, the leading microstock image marketplace
Try it Now

Go to to log in to Blogger in Draft. (If you’ve never been there before, Blogger in Draft is just like regular Blogger, except with new, in-development features like this one.) Click on your blog’s “Layout” link to go to the Layout tab. The link to the Template Designer is at the end of the row of sub-tabs.

You can use the live preview to see your new template without affecting your blog. When you find a new look that you’re happy with, just click the “Apply to Blog” button to publish it to the world. Note: You can backup your existing template ahead of time by going to Layout > Edit HTML. We recommend this if you have a customized blog design that you might want to go back to.

Classic template blogs: If you have a “Template” link or tab instead of “Layout,” you’ll first need to switch from Classic to Layouts before you can try out the Template Designer. Go to Classic > Customize Design and follow the instructions there. You’ll need to switch to one of our old templates first, but then you’ll be able to use the Template Designer to pick a new one.

Tips from the Blogger Team

  • Get your links to match a background image quickly by using the Background panel’s “Main color theme” to adjust all of your blog’s colors at once. This works particularly well with Simple’s second design.
  • With a three-column footer, you can fit in several gadgets to interest your readers after they’re done reading your post. For inspiration, read Derek Powazek’s post, “Embrace your bottom!
  • If you’re using our new Pages feature, put the Page List gadget in the wide section at the top of your blog. We’ve added unique tab designs to all of the new templates.
  • Many of the patterns in the background image picker are semi-transparent, to let your blog’s background color show through. Look for the “transparency page curl” to see which patterns these are.
  • The Attribution gadget (added to the footer by all new templates) is there to give credit not just to the designer and artist of the background image, but to you as well. Edit its settings by clicking “Edit” on Layout > Page Elements to add your own authorship or copyright information.

Internet Explorer losing ground

The world’s most-used internet browser, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, is on a steady decline in India, reveals a study by Irish
metrics firm StatCounter. IE, as it’s known, has lost almost 20% market share in India in the past two years, even as Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox make great strides.

According to StatCounter, the percentage of PCs running Internet Explorer in India dropped from close to 70% in 2008 to about 51%, currently . The drop was despite an absence of any regulation by a trade commission , unlike that mandated by European Union on Microsoft, this year.In Europe, Internet Explorer lost three times more share this month than usual in some European countries since the company was forced to mandate a ballot screen by EU in its Windows 7 operating system.

The ballot screen offers a choice between Mozilla’s Firefox, Google’s Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Opera and others, by displaying icons of rival browsers.

Worldwide, Internet Explorer’s market share has suddenly started dipping, and rivals Chrome’s and Firefox’s rising, from this month, following the EU regulation. Worldwide IE has a market share of about 55% followed by Firefox’s 31%, Chrome at 7% and Safari at about 4% currently.

Bored of normal search engines try these

1. Search Cube- It is a graphical search engine that presents search results in a compact, visual format in three dimensions.It is just like rotating a cube of images with your own hand.

2.Google image swirl- It is a really cool and new image search engine by Google. It is basically a graphical user interface that works like a wonder wheel.

Searching for an image brings up a group of similar photos, and clicking on the branches swirls the image yet again into another group. This eventually leaves you with a narrowed-down set of similar-looking photos.

3. Cooliris- Cooliris, the 3D Wall that speeds up search on Google Images, Bing, YouTube, and more. Enjoy the richest way to view photos from Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, and even your computer. It is basically add-on earlier for Firefox only but now is also supported bi internet explorer ,Google chrome,safari etc

Geostring - Earn $10 thru free networking

This is a new networking site launced few days back. They give $10 as sign up bonus and is 10 level referral networking. Once you get yourself some people to work on as referrals you are free to earn for life.

To join click here

I would prefer to have 3 atleast 3 people to refer directly.

enjoy :)


Hello dear frds recently i found a website for social cause Friends2support .

"Friends2support" is started with a desire to help our society.

About friends 2 support

  • The reason behind starting "friends2support" is to show our little support and we hope we can inspire others in the process.

  • "Friends2support" is started with a vision of child education and our mission is to improve minimum resources to the schools.

  • We want to help students who are facing troubles in continuing their education.

  • Nowadays many people are struggling with information about Blood donors. Our aim here is to provide some information about blood donors and give support to blood seekers.

.Vision, Mission and values of friends 2 support

Vision :

Friends2support vision is:

To pave way for a safer and better tommorrow.

  • Safer, by bringing blood donors and those in need to a common platform.
  • Better, by providing every person what he/she deserves the most, best education.

Our aim in next 5 years,

  • To be the real hope of every Indian in search of a voluntary blood donor.
  • To set up a well organised infrastructure through out the country to cater to the education of the under resourced by way of maintaining a repository of contributed books and providing as many resources as possible for rural child education.

Mission :

To make the best use of contemporary technologies in delivering a promising web portal to bring together all the blood donors in India; thereby fulfilling every blood request in the country.

To provide a common platform for those who have a zeal to support education of the under resourced yet meritorious students.

Values :

  • Dignity

  • Excellence

  • Diversity

  • Individual and team work

  • Compassion

  • Advance

  • Trust

  • Integrity

  • Oblige

  • Network



2.copy the red thing given below and paste it in notepad..

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Message Box")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg it as ...anyname.vbs
(remember the extension name its should be .vbs nothing else) open it and write anything in the text enter...done enjoy

How to: Shut down in 5 seconds or less

The normal shutdown can be very time consuming, especially if you have programs or background services open.

To shut down a lot faster, save all your open documents and open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Press Shut Down from the menu and choose Turn Off.

You can also choose log off, restart, standby, etc. to perform the tasks faster than usual.