Downloading from RAPIDSHARE often becomes a headache due to the time delay for FREE downloaders!!!

Do as follows :
>> Click a Download link for Rapidshare !

>> Click the Free button on Rapidshare Page !

>> Now as usual the timer starts !!!

>> Now, go to the address box of your browser.
(Address Box >> Where you type the websites !)

>> In the address box type: javascript:alert(c=0)

>> Click OK on the alert box that arises.

>> NO WAITING.........ENJOY......

Now share your desktop via internet

If you are looking for an efficient, easy and free way to connect securely to a computer at another physical location to take control of its screen, mouse and keyboard, CrossLoop enables you to do just that.. for Free. CrossLoop enables you to see the screen and control the mouse and keyboard on a remote computer using an encrypted connection which utilizes the Blowfish 128 bit algorithm. All that needs to be done is download the CrossLoop application and run it at both computers that shall take part in the process.

The host, that is the computer that sends it screens to the other computer, has to setup an access code and the computer that wants to join has to enter that access code to be able to establish the connection. A random access code is generated when you click on the Host tab. This service is really worth it.. do give it a try..


Promote Your Business/Blog/Service on Orkut: FREE!

After status update, suggested friends, chat, SMS, widgets etc features, here comes one more importantand most awaited feature orkut ‘promote’: a free tool to help you spread the news to all your orkut friends…and beyond!

Now marketers, bloggers can invest their time in tweaking the ad copy to impress Orkut users, to drive traffic, leads and sales.

When you first create a promotion, only your friends will be able to see it. Once they click on “promote it!”, their friends can see it.. and so on.

To see the number of clicks, views, Promotions, Trashes, goto “promote”, then click on “my promotions” tab.

Orkut has recently released a new feature which they call ‘Orkut Promote’.

As the name itself suggests, this feature will allow orkut users to promote ‘their stuff’ throughout orkut. Great for some free and awesome advertising opportunities on the hottestsocial networking site in India…huh? :P

Let us get deeper into this feature and dig out what it has in store for us..

Getting Started With Orkut Promote

Orkut promote is a viral promotion opportunity which orkut has integrated within which enables orkut users to create their own promotions or i’d better call advertisements which will be shown to everyone in their friend list on the top section of the right sidebar on their home page.

Getting Started With Orkut Promote

This means..No more Google Ads in my Right Sidebar?

Promotions and Google Ads will be rotated and you can trash and spread both of them. If you trash a particular promotion or advertisement, it will never show up again but will be replaced by a new one.

Did I hear the word ‘Viral’ somewhere?

Yes you did..This promotion could go viral if your friends love your promotion. All they have to do is to choose the spread option above your promotion and the same promotion will be shown to their friends too. And so on, it will spread amongst your network in no time at all.

Wow! Great for Some Damn Good Advertising!

Just a minute. To add, if your promotion sucks!…it will be trashed by your friends and will never be shown to them again. Forget about it being spread to their network.

You can track all the stats of your promotion in your promote page.

Orkut Promote

This is so Awesome..Where do i Start?

If you are a user in India, you’ll need to wait for a couple of months to get this feature live in your orkut profile. Orkut users in other countries have already started getting this feature in their profiles. You can tell this feature is live when a promote option is shown in your left sidebar just below the events.

orkut promote

Once you choose the promote option, you will be taken to a page where you will have to create your own promotion. You can add a video or a photo from your photo album too.

Once you choose create, your promotion will be shown to all of your friends. It’s up to them if they spread or trash it

Reveal the passwords behind ****

Ever wanted to know what is behind those ************{password} in any application.for example if you want see and know a password in your yahoo messenger that somebody else have typed and left it or in any other application.

Here is how you do it…

just download Spine pass view 07 from this url

Download Spine pass viewl

Simply drag the hand over the *** in a text box to reveal the password! Simple, small, quick and free.

CATCH 1:-when you start this application the asterisk writing capability of your system is disabled.

CATCH 2:-some anti virus softwares consider this software as a virus and delete it as soon as loaded so if you want this thing to work then disable your anti virus for sometime.

Note:Use it carefully, disabling the anti virus is not safe.

How to find IP Address and Location of an Orkut Profile User

First Step, Create a Blog. I would use blogger in this example, but you may use any blog which allows embedding HTML and JavaScript Codes. Don't use a popular blog which gets many hits because it would be hard to track the user of the Orkut ProfileCreate a StatCounter Account and "Add new Project". Setup is very simple you just need your blog address and access rights.Install the StatCounter code in your blog, you have two methods one is in the StatCounter Website and other is manually embedding the code. For both you have to click Install Code after you have successfully added the project.Your Code would look something like this.

Code corrupted. Insert fresh copy.
You have to install that in your blog as in the illustration below.Now the final step. You just have to compose a convincing enough message for your target to click on (Not very hard eh!). It can be through Scrap or Community whatever way you can get through. If you cannot contact or get the person to click on the link then this method would not work.Once he/she click it, a detailed record would come up in the StatCounter Website.
If the target has been harassing you or doing something illegal, you may contact the police and get more details from the ISP. Now you all know it! :)
~~The End~~

How to delete files without sending them to Recycle Bin

You can simply use Shift+Delete instead of Delete, or you can use the following method, and even if you delete them with Delete, the files won't go to Recycle Bin:
1. Go to run, type gpedit.msc and press enter
2. Go to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer
3. Find the Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin setting
4. Double click it, check Enabled and press OK