LastPass : Password Manager and Form Filler


LastPass is an online password manager and form filler that promises that it will be the last password you would ever need to remember. It’s definitely not the first software of its kind. Roboform has been the king of all such softwares for a long time. Does LastPass pack enough punch to defeat Roboform? Let’s take a look.

LastPass is a newage solution that realises the importance of data portability. Accordingly all the password and profiles are encrypted and stored offline as well as online. This ensures wherever you go, all your data is always available to you. For more information on the encryption and storage technology check out this page.

Immediately after installation LastPass asks you to create an online account and imports existing data from Internet Explorer, Firefox, RoboForm, 1Password, KeePass, MyPasswordSafe, Password Safe, Sxipper, and PassPack. LastPass integrates itself seamlessly with Internet Explorer and Firefox via plugins. Additionally it provides 3 bookmarklets to extend the LastPass experience to all the other browsers and mobile devices. Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, iPhone and even Opera Mini is supported through bookmarklets. Opera fans have been craving for a AIRoboform plugin or something similar to implement auto-form filling for a long time. LastPass finally allows Opera users to enjoy auto forum-completion in Roboform style. LastPass also has a mobile optimised page for accessing data from mobile phones.
LastPass : Password Vault
LastPass : Password Vault

Some of the other features of LastPass are:
Arrow Share passwords securely with your friends.
Arrow Generate secure passwords
Arrow Access from USB keys
Arrow On-screen keyboard to protect you from keyloggers.
Arrow One Time Password to access LastPass vault from untrusted computers.

LastPass is an amazing software. It’s biggest strength lies in it’s accessibility. The bookmarklets ensure that LastPass can be accessed from almost any browser on almost any Operating System. It works just as advertised and fills forms and login fields without any hitch! LastPass makes browsing the web a lot less annoying and at the same time enhances your security. All this at the best price possible – FREE!

Download LastPass (3.76 MB)
Official Website
Platforms Supported : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux and Mac OS X
License : Freeware

Swatcgreen Blog For Friends

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Swatcgreen blog for friends

How to study

While we know it can be dull, studying is part and parcel of being a student, so why not make it as easy as possible?

Before you start

Buy a diary and use it. Put in deadlines for work, tutorials and exam dates and tick off the things you have done. Stick a copy of your timetable inside too, so you always know where you should be. This is a good habit to keep so don't let it die off.

Stock up on folders, dividers, paper and an assortment of pens. Try to keep things organised from the beginning. Even if you can't be bothered with many of these tips, putting your lecture notes in order as you go along will help.

Get to know your campus. Where are the computer rooms? Does you department have its own facilities (computers, printers, photocopying, research papers archive)? Where is the library? How does their catalogue system work?


OK so we know they're not compulsory but do try to go to them, and if your hangover is really too bad or the bar's too inviting to make it, at least get the notes off someone else. Get a copy of your syllabus, reading list and past exam papers as early on as possible and keep them with your notes. Tick off sections as you go along. If you feel your lecturer is making no sense, ask them to explain better, and if this fails mention the problem to your tutor.

Taking notes

Don't worry about making them neat as you can write them up properly afterwards. Don't take down every word they say, instead write down names, dates and key words, and listen to them. You can fill in the gaps afterwards, but only if you get the vital bits down. If you are a slow note-taker use a dictaphone and make full notes later.

Write them up

It may sound duller than dull but you'll be glad you bothered come revision time. Use your own words when writing notes and keep them brief, it will be easier to understand when you read them through again later. Set out your notes in a way that is easy to relate to the syllabus and use key words, that way you won't spend time searching for one fact among a mountain of pages.

Tutorials and seminars

These are where small groups of people on your course meet to discuss, debate, ask questions and get feedback on the course content. Seminars tend to involve more people and occur less often, while tutorials are slightly more intimate and often involve presentations.

It is important to go to most of your seminars and tutorials, as they will help facilitate your understanding of the topics, and prepare you for writing your essays. You are usually set work to prepare for each session too, some of which may count towards your final year assessment.

Finding study time

You usually find that lectures and tutorials take up very little time, leaving you many hours of each week free (especially for arts students). It can be easy to fill this free time doing very little, but if you want to stay ahead and have an active social life, set aside some time each week (say before or after a lecture) to study. You can use this time to rewrite notes, research essays and catch up on your reading. Find somewhere that you won't be interrupted, like the library, your room, or the local park.

Active study

Set reading is often dull, rather than reading pages and taking nothing in try taking the odd note as you go along to keep you focused.


Don't spend all your time studying, uni life has much more to offer, the idea of good study technique is to free you from stress and cramming so you can go and enjoy it, and that's not so dull now, is it?

Search / Find / See All Unread Emails In Gmail

I get tons of E-mails on my Gmail account that I leave unread for future reading. You know those not-so-important mails, which can slip for then but would require some attention at some point.

I normally let the list grow really big and it gets annoying at times. I was finding a way to list all the unread emails and found the easiest way to do it.

Search for


in the search bar and all the unread e mails will be listed for you.

Search / Find / See All Unread Emails In Gmail

Dreamy Blogger Template

Today we are introducing Dante Araujo a designer who has quite a few original blogger templates, lets take a look at his Dreamy Blogger Skin.
Dreamy Blogger Template


Well this template has very pleasant colours, pastel shades and mini posts on the homepage. Well it automatically picks up the first image makes it a thumbnail and displays it on your home page.

The template starts off with the blog title and description on the left, a couple of links on the right along with a search bar. The main container starts with a rounded navigation menu, then you have the mini posts with the headline, labels and comment number.

There is a sidebar on the right that has a simplistic design, over all this template has a good design and does well for a two column template!

Capturing flash files to your system in easy steps

How many times have you come across a beautiful flash greeting card or a flash animated file on the internet? Lately many online gaming sites also use Flash to make their games more interactive and user friendly. Did you know you can download theseflash files on your computer very easily. If you use internet explorer or firefox or opera, here is a simple method that does the trick..

For Internet Explorer users: (also for Opera users)
1. Play the complete flash file online.
2. Under 'Tools' menu go to 'Internet Option' and then 'General' Tab click the Settings button available in the Temporary Internet Files group
3. Here click the Settings button available in the temporary internet files group.
4. And now click view files to open your temporary internet files folder. Every file you opened through your browser is save here (by default)
5. Click View - Details. now click view - Arrange icons by - internet address. Depending upon the webpage, there could one or more Flash files (Shockwave Flash Object) under the mentioned internet address.
6. Once you find the right flash file, right-click and choose Copy. Then paste the swf file in any other directory.
7. So this files can be opened by your browser offline as well

For Fiefox users:
1. Play the complete flash file online.
2. On your Firefox go to 'Tools' >> Page Info and go to 'Media Tab' on the page info windows
3. The media tab has a complete list (with preview) of Images, Shockwave Flash files that were downloaded by the Firefox browser.
4. Scroll down the list and locate your required swf file.
5. Click the "Save As" button to save the file on our system.
6. So this files can be opened by your browser offline as well
7. Firefox extentions are available to make this procedure even simpler

So next time you come across a interesting flash file online and want to download it, follow this simple steps and there you have the file.

Blogger Readmore Feature

Blogger has announced another Blogger Birthday feature. Blogger has add readmorefeature on your post. Now you dont need to add any code because this new readmore feature ease us to choose whether show full post or break post.

Blogger call this feature Jump Break. With Jump Breaks you can show just a snippet of your post on your blog's index page. Blogger will insert a "Read more" link to the full post page where your readers can keep reading.

How to use this blogger readmore feature?
There are two ways to insert a "Read more" jump to your posts.

If you use the new post editor , you'll notice the "Insert jump break" icon in the editor's toolbar. Click this icon and the "jump break" will be inserted into your blog post at your cursor's position.

If you don't use the new post editor, you can still insert a jump break in Edit HTML mode by adding where you want to break your post.

Want to change the "Read more" text to your own style? No problem. You can edit the "Read more" text by clicking Layout and then Edit the Blog Posts widget.

10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy

Facebook statistics show that it has 250 million active users each with an average 120 friends. More than 1 billion photos are uploaded every month by its users, over 70% of whom use applications like games and quizzes in Facebook. Unfortunately, most users don’t know the implications of entering personal information, making friends, and playing games on Facebook.

This guide will show what you can (and cannot) do to safeguard your Facebook privacy.

1. Organize Friends in Lists

What do you do when your boss, mother-in-law, or a casual web acquaintance sends you a friend request on Facebook? Use Friend Lists. Friend Lists are the foundation of your Facebook privacy settings. Select Friends from the top menu, and use the Create link to create friend lists like Co-workers, Family, College Friends, etc. Your friends can’t see your lists, so you can name them whatever you like.

facebook privacy

Tip: On your left sidebar, all your friend lists may not show up by default. Click More to see all of them, and drag and drop those you want above the separator.

2. Customize Profile Privacy

Click Settings > Privacy Settings > Profile. Select which parts of your profile will be seen by whom.

facebook privacy Profile

If you choose Customize in the drop down, you can be more specific. This is where the Friend Lists you created before become really useful.

facebook privacy Customize

Also go to the Contact Information tab and choose how you want your contact information to be shared on the Internet.

3. Set Facebook Privacy Level of Photo Albums

On the Photos tab of your profile page, click Album Privacy. Here again, you can use your Friend Lists to set the privacy for each photo album.

facebook privacy - Albums

Note that your profile pictures go into a special album that is always visible to ALL your friends.

4. Restrict Search Visibility

Click Privacy > Search to set your visibility when someone searches Facebook for people. This is an important way to safeguard your Facebook privacy. You can also select what will be visible in the search results.

facebook privacy - search

5. Control Automatic Wall Posts and News Feed Updates

Your actions in Facebook such as comments, likes, appear as highlights on ALL your friends’ home pages. You cannot use friend lists here, only turn them on or off.

Privacy News Feed

Go to Privacy > News Feed and Wall and choose whether you want your boss or ex-girlfriend to know that you’re in a relationship.

6. Set Facebook Wall Privacy

Go to your profile page, click Options > Settings under the status box.

Wall Privacy

Here you can control whether your friends can post to your Wall, and who can see the posts made by your friends.

7. Avoid Appearing in Advertisements

Facebook has two types of advertisements: third-party and Facebook. Third-party advertisements are currently not allowed to use your pictures, but there is a setting to disallow it if it is allowed in the future. Go to Privacy > News Feed and Wall > Facebook Adstab to turn this off.

Privacy Third Party Ads

The Facebook ads shown to your friends are about ‘social actions’ like becoming a fan of something. You can turn this off at the bottom of the page.

8. Protect Yourself from Friends’ Applications

Go to Privacy > Applications, and click the Settings tab and uncheck all the boxes. These settings control what information about you is visible to applications installed by your friends. By default, these are set to visible. This means that your religious, sexual, and political preferences, pictures, etc. are readily available to one of the million worldwide Facebook application developers, each time any of your friends takes a quiz, plays a game, or runs any other Facebook app. This is obviously a Facebook privacy issue.

Privacy Applications

This is the most commonly misunderstood aspect of Facebook privacy. These settings control what applications installed by your friends can see about you, even if you don’t install the application yourself.
Why is this important? Because these settings will not change anything about what you are sharing with the applications you install yourself. For that, go to the next step.

9. Privacy from Your Applications

There is no way to control what applications see about you; it is an all-or-nothing affair. Takethis quiz developed by the American Civil Liberties Union to check what anonymous application developers can know about you and your friends each time you take a quiz.

The Burton Group’s Identity Blog features the Facebook Privacy Mirror, an application that you can use to find out what applications know about you and your friends. If you really want to see exactly what profile data of each of your friends is visible to application developers, Privacy Mirror shows it in detail.

The only thing you can do is to authorize only those applications you require and trust. Go toSettings > Application Settings from the top menu. Change the drop-down from Recently Used to Authorized. Here you can see all the applications you have authorized to get access to ALL your profile information. Remove the ones you no longer need.

Authorized Apps

Also check the list of applications Allowed to Post and Granted Additional Permissions to remove unwanted ones.

10. Quitting Facebook? Delete, Don’t Just De-Activate Your Account

You can easily deactivate your account in Facebook from the Settings page. But deactivation will retain all your profile information within Facebook, including pictures, friends, etc. If you want to permanently delete your Facebook account, click here to submit a deletion request. Note that:

  1. There is an unspecified delay between submitting your delete request and actual deletion.
  2. If you login to Facebook, your deletion request is automatically cancelled.
  3. There doesn’t seem to be any way to confirm that your request was completed.
  4. Even after permanent deletion, Facebook says that copies of your photos may remain on their servers for technical reasons.

Also, note that once in a while, there is news of a Facebook hack or leak that can expose your information on the Internet. It is better to be safe than sorry by avoiding using Facebook for anything that may embarrass you.

thanks to makeuseof

Shutdown, Restart, and Logoff Icons on Desktop

You can have shortcuts on the Desktop for shutdown, restart, logoff, standby etc.Shutdown restart icons on desktop

Right-click on the Desktop and create a new shortcut by selecting New > Shortcut.

Then in the Type the location of the item box, entershutdown.exe -s -t 00

where 00 is the delay in seconds (you can increase it). You will then be asked to select a name (call it “Shutdown”, for example).

After creating the shortcut, you can change the icon assigned to it by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting Properties. The window that comes up next has a Change Icon option.

For a Restart shortcut, use shutdown.exe -r -t 00

For logoff shortcut, type shutdown -l -t 00

For Fast User Switching shortcut, use Rundll32.exe User32.dll, LockWorkStation

For Standby/Hibernation shortcut use Rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState

Add Button 'Save Blogger Post As Pdf' Blogger

How to add 'save As Pdf Button' in each blogger post of your blogger so as the readers can save your post in pdf format which they like.This tool will really help your readers in saving your post they like.I am vey happy to post this button as i m sure my readers will like this for sure as is very useful.After this post i will post an trick 'how to save any blogger all posts as pdf too' i.e to download all bloggers posts of any blog in pdf format.

How to add 'save As Pdf Button' ?

Login to Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widgets > Press Ctrl+F > Search For Below Red Codes


If you are using Read More Hack you will find above code twice so use second code.

Add the below codes after the above codes

<script type="text/javascript">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">

Preview it.If its work fine.Save your template.

Repairing and Upgrading Your PC

Repairing and Upgrading Your PC

Repairing and Upgrading Your PC
By Robert Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson
5.6 MB l RS link


Password : tipsclub

How to Add Facebook to the Sidebar Firefox 3.5


Love Facebook?Add its chat to your sidebar in Fireofx 3.5.

  1. Navigate to Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks. A window will open.
  2. Click on the folder where you want to place the bookmark. Now press Organize and Add New Bookmark.
  3. Name the bookmark “Facebook Chat” and paste
  4. Checkmark the box that says “Load this Bookmark in the sidebar”
  5. Close the windows.
  6. Now try to use your new bookmark. Facebook chat will now open in your sidebar.

facebook chat in sidebar

Now you can chat with your friends without having to open Facebook in a separate tab.

How To Block Unwanted Scraps on Orkut

Oh my God! I never thought Orkut would even give consideration to the feature that they have finally implemented now. Orkut was always looked down upon when compared to other social networking websites due to its low privacy features and security holes which could get your Orkut account hacked or even cause you to lose some very personal information but the recent addition of a new feature to the Orkut system shall now ensure that Orkut will be safe enough to compete with other social networks like Facebook and MySpace.

How To Block Unwanted Scraps on Orkut

“Friends and Friends Only Scraps” (Thats what I call it) is a new feature that has been recently added to the Orkut system and will ensure that you get scraps only from the people you trust i.e. friends and family etc. This will block all unwanted scraps in your scrapbook from people who usually used to spam you or irritate you for no reason. The new great feature will make sure that you don’t get links to any malicious scripts and websites and will also prevent unknown people from writing something abusive or unethical on your scrapbook.

Follow the simple little steps to set up the “Friends and Friends Only Scraps” Feature

  • Open Orkut Privacy Settings
  • See the third row which says “allow scraps to be written by”
  • In the drop down menu select “Friends”
  • Save changes and You are done

That should do the trick now you can happily and safely use Orkut without the fear of getting hacked or getting vulgar/unwanted scraps in your scrapbook.
