You have to just follow the simple steps >>
For this, just open your Orkut profile and copy the home page link (In my case it is ( To copy the page link just right click on your orkut profile properties and copy link from there.)
Now my feed URL becomes
Step 4 >> Now go to Google SMS channels homepage and create a new channel as shown in thescreen shot below. If you don’t have an account on SMS channels then create one by logging in with your Gmail password.
Step 5 >> Fill all the required details and feed URL of your Orkut page (refer step 2) on the ‘RSS/Atom feed’ form and finally hit the ‘create channel’ button
- For this trick to work on locked scrapbooks, you must add this Orkutfeeds bot as your friend.
- Scrap notification are delayed for 2-4 hours depending on the Google’s server traffic.